
This Statement-Making Jacket is Made Using Cozy Cross Stitch

Two years ago, I fea­tured the embroi­dery art of Igna­cia Jul­lian—specif­i­cal­ly, her embroi­deries on tulle. Since that time, she has been busy cre­at­ing more col­or­ful pieces that cel­e­brate flo­rals and big cats. This is best dis­played on one of her lat­est pieces: a jack­et made of large cross stitch­es. The design fea­tures a tiger’s head with flower accents along the back col­lar and on the front pan­els. It’s a cozy statement-maker!

Igna­cia cre­at­ed this piece with the help of Manos­alaagu­ja, a cloth­ing and tex­tile design­er. Igna­cia pro­duced the embroi­dered parts and then sent them to Manos­alaagu­ja, who cut, sewed, and assem­bled the ele­ments into the final piece.

Cross stitch jacket by Ignacia Jullian and Manosalaaguja

Cross stitch jacket by Ignacia Jullian and Manosalaaguja

Cross stitch jacket by Ignacia Jullian and Manosalaaguja