
A Horse Playing a Saxophone? Why Not! Illustrations by Hyunyoung Kim

Hyunyoung Kim

Wel­come to the strange, col­or­ful world of Brook­lyn-based illus­tra­tor Hyun­y­oung Kim. I love the over­sized flow­ers, peo­ple, and… hors­es wear­ing a bow-tie? And play­ing a sax­o­phone? Great! Take a close look to see all of the won­der­ful details that Hyun­y­ong has includ­ed in each ener­getic composition.

With a port­fo­lio of weird, it’s impor­tant for it all to feel like it comes from the same world. And, with her sub­ject mat­ter, col­or choic­es, and draw­ing style, it does.

Hyunyoung Kim

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