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Dinara Mirtalipova Lends Her Folk-Inspired Twist to Holiday Ornaments

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

When a hol­i­day rolls around, illus­tra­tor Dinara Mir­tal­ipo­va will often put a folk-inspired twist on con­ven­tion­al tra­di­tions and decor. Dur­ing East­er this year, she adorned a series of eggs with her spec­tac­u­lar paint­ings. And in a sim­i­lar fash­ion, she recent­ly released 10 hand-paint­ed wood slices that would make the per­fect orna­ment for a Christ­mas tree. Each fea­tures its own beau­ti­ful bird and dec­o­ra­tive flo­rals with beads to match. Giv­en the time of year, they feel appro­pri­ate for the hol­i­days, but their pat­tern­ing and col­ors make it pos­si­ble to dis­play them all year round.

Dinara announced these on her Insta­gram this past week­end and they quick­ly sold out. You can still shop her Etsy for oth­er great gifts, and be on the look­out for anoth­er one-of-a-kind sale in January.

Illustrator Dinara Mirtalipova adds a folk-inspired twist to her holiday ornaments by adorning them in her signature style.

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornament by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova

Holiday ornaments by Dinara Mirtalipova