
Hiroko Kubota Embroiders Internet Cats on Shirts

Hiroko Kubota - Embroidery

There is an old Inter­net proverb that says there are nev­er enough cats. Always more cats. So, it’s no sur­prise that embroi­dered shirts by Hiroko Kub­o­ta are so pop­u­lar. They fea­ture our fur­ry friends peek­ing out of pock­ets. Not only are they cute and amus­ing, but the embroi­dery is very well done.

The project start­ed when Hiroko made cloth­ing for her son, who request­ed that his cloth­ing be adorned with cats. He has a bit of an obses­sion with the ani­mal, and had amassed a pletho­ra of images he found online.

After fin­ish­ing the shirts, Hiroko post­ed them online. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, they went viral and prompt­ed her to open up an Etsy shop. It’s since sold out.

All images via Flickr and This is Colos­sal.


Hiroko Kubota - Embroidery


Hiroko Kubota - Embroidery Hiroko Kubota - Embroidery Hiroko Kubota - Embroidery


