Craft / Sculpture

An Eel Wrestles a Baby Octopus in the Fantastical Soft Sculptures by Hiné Mizushima

Fantastical soft sculpture by Koi fish sculpture by Hine Mizushima

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For years, I’ve admired the “slow craft­ing” of Hiné Mizushi­ma. Her soft sculp­tures are often pre­sent­ed like sci­en­tif­ic spec­i­mens but with a fan­tas­ti­cal twist.

The lat­est series was for a solo exhi­bi­tion in Tokyo that took place in Novem­ber of 2019. For the occa­sion, Hiné put sea crea­tures under bell jars and iden­ti­fied them with a label stat­ing their name, num­ber, where they were found, and who they were col­lect­ed by (Hiné, of course). The felt crea­tures look any­thing but ordi­nary and are adorned with bead­ing, cro­chet, and more. Some of my favorites include two char­ac­ters in one jar that are wrestling with each other—or in one case, a mon­ster clam stick­ing its long tongue on a baby squid.

I was in Tokyo just a cou­ple of weeks after Hiné’s exhi­bi­tion end­ed. Too bad—I would’ve loved to see these pieces in per­son! Fol­low Hiné on Insta­gram to see her work in progress. She also sells prints of her work on Etsy.

Fantastical soft sculpture by Koi fish sculpture by Hine Mizushima

Fantastical soft sculpture by Koi fish sculpture by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Soft sculptures by Hine Mizushima

Squid sculpture made of felt

Squid sculpture made of felt

Koi fish sculpture by Hine Mizushima

Koi fish sculpture by Hine Mizushima

Jellyfish made of fabric by Hine Mizushima

Jellyfish made of fabric by Hine Mizushima

Jellyfish made of fabric by Hine Mizushima

Baby octopus made of felt

Jellyfish made of fabric by Hine Mizushima

Baby octopus sculpture made of felt

Squid sculpture made of felt

Squid sculpture made of felt