Brown Paper Stitch

Happy 2022! Some of the Pet Portraits I Stitched During My Time Off

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.

Hel­lo again, and hel­lo 2022! I say this every time, but I nev­er mean to take extend­ed hia­tus­es on Brown Paper Bag. I miss writ­ing and con­nect­ing with oth­ers. But alas, the hol­i­day sea­son got away from me; all of those embroi­deries I men­tioned had to be stitched, and my hus­band and I closed on our first home (!). Between embroi­dery, house stuff, and my roles at My Mod­ern Met, I had to take the pres­sure off of Brown Paper Bag.

But, I’m back! And I want­ed to start this new year by shar­ing some of what I stitched dur­ing my time away (from the blog). It’s not every­thing, but I did a lot of stick-on patch­es this year—upwards of 40. And what was inter­est­ing was that many peo­ple didn’t even stick the patch­es on cloth­ing. When faced with where to stick the patch, some folks framed the pieces. I even con­vert­ed a Shar-Pei patch into an orna­ment on a Christ­mas tree.

Look­ing for­ward in 2022, one thing I’d like to do this year is to expand my prod­uct line. I’ve got a grow­ing list of prod­uct ideas and intend to launch at least a cou­ple of them this year. Soon, I’m mov­ing into my own studio/office space (as opposed to shar­ing it with my hus­band), so I’m hope­ful that will give me a cre­ative boost to do even more things. (And be more organized.)

As I’m get­ting back in the swing of things here, expect to see more reg­u­lar con­tent that you’re used to—of my work and oth­er cre­atives’ art­work and prod­ucts that inspires me and will hope­ful­ly inspire you, too.

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet portrait patch by Brown Paper Stitch