
Adorable Ceramic Animals by Harriet Damave


Did you know that aside from Brown Paper Bag, I also co-run a blog that’s ded­i­cat­ed to illus­trat­ed prod­ucts? Well, I do! It’s called Pic­ture Par­ty, and it’s a Tum­blr, so you should fol­low it if you have one, too. My pal Lisa also curates the blog, and last week she post­ed about brooches so cute that I could­n’t help but share them here. So, behold the hand­i­work of artist Har­ri­et Damave. Her hand-made ani­mal-themed acces­sories are pro­duced using the tra­di­tion­al Dutch tech­nique of paint­ing with cobalt oxide on porce­lain. Every­thing is hand-paint­ed, too.

I am lov­ing the details on these. The fine brush work and wash­es of col­or appear like they’re tiny water­col­or paint­ings. All of these items are avail­able on Damave’s Etsy shop.

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