Embroidery / Embroidery Patterns

10+ More of the Best Embroidery Patterns Available for Instant Stitching

Hand embroidery patterns

Last week, I shared some of my favorite free embroi­dery pat­terns from DMC. And since I’m always on the look­out for more great designs to stitch, I want­ed to share 10 addi­tion­al hand stitch embroi­dery pat­terns. They are not affil­i­at­ed with DMC but are cre­at­ed by inde­pen­dent mak­ers around the world. Each of the pieces I select­ed is avail­able as an instant down­load. So, like DMC, you can start sewing them right away—like, after you read this post!

For fans of Sarah K. Ben­ning’s pat­terns, I’ve got good news; after a brief break, she’s back pro­duc­ing pat­terns. I’ve fea­tured her advanced pat­tern here, but she’s got more in her Etsy shop.

Can’t get enough of hand stitch embroidery patterns? Scroll down for 10+ patterns now available instantly.