
11 Beautiful Embroideries with Intricate Details That’ll Make You Swoon

I don’t know about you, but when I am look­ing at an embroi­dery, I always like to view it from the side or a three-quar­ters angle. From that van­tage point, you get to see all of the great tex­tur­al qual­i­ties of the work, such as knot­ted stitch­es or intri­cate col­or rela­tion­ships. And in the case of hand embroi­dery artists like Justy­na Wolod­kiewic, the tiny sculp­tures built on the fab­ric itself.

So today, let’s go ahead and get lost in some of the details of these 11 embroi­deries. Their artistry is sure to make you swoon… and study­ing them to fig­ure out how you can incor­po­rate their tech­niques into your own work.

Embroidery art // hoop art // hand embroidery

Embroidery art // hoop art // hand embroidery