Illustration / The Color Series

The Color Series | 20 Gray Illustrations That Quiet Down a Busy World

Gray illustrations

If you’re a long time read­er to Brown Paper Bag, you know that I love col­or. I’ve spent more than a month (so far) on the The Col­or Series, which chron­i­cles illus­tra­tion, embroi­dery, and even sketch­books to show how cre­atives will uti­lize a sin­gle col­or in their work. So far, I’ve select­ed vibrant col­ors like pink, green, and pur­ple. But today, let’s back off from bril­liant blue and set our sights on gray  illustrations(or grey, for those across the pond).

Gray is often regard­ed as drea­ry or melan­choly, like a cloudy day as it begins to rain. Many of the illus­tra­tions I’ve cho­sen show just that; the hue is per­fect for a win­tery scene. In these moments, the image feels qui­et; Imag­ine walk­ing out­side dur­ing a snow­storm; that’s when gray is at its best.

Gray illustrations are often of landscapes, and this neutral hue makes an image feel quiet—even if it’s trying to scream. Check out how 20 illustrators use the hue, below.

Gray illustration by Lisa Perrin

Lisa Perrin

Gray illustration by Alesya Nesolenova

Alesya Nesolenova

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Anja Sušanj (on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustration by Rebecca Green

Rebecca Green

Gray illustration by Julianna Brion

Julianna Brion (on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustrations by Isabelle Arsenault

Isabelle Arsenault

Illustration by Dinara Mirtalipova

Dinara Mirtalipova (on Brown Paper Bag)

Illustration by Esther Sarah Kim

Esther Sarah Kim

Gray illustration by Lior Katzir

Lior Katzir

Gray illustrations by Eleni Kalorkoti

Eleni Kalorkoti (on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustration by Lisk Feng

Lisk Feng

Gray illustration by Nastia Sleptsova

Nastia Sleptsova (on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustration by Olga Ezova Denisova

Olga Ezova-Denisova (on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustration by Chris Hagen

Chris Hagan(on Brown Paper Bag)

Gray illustration by Hannah Li

Hannah Li

Gray illustration by Akira Kusaka

Akira Kusaka

Gray illustration by Maggie Chiang

Maggie Chiang (on Brown Paper Bag)

Illustration by Carson Ellis

Carson Ellis