
Vintage-Inspired Illustrations by Gosia Herba Are Sorta Dark… And I like It

Gosia Herba

Gosia Her­ba is a Pol­ish illus­tra­tor whose edi­to­r­i­al images fea­ture larg­er-than-life women, reflec­tions that have a mind of their own, and oth­er sur­re­al sit­u­a­tions. It’s this, cou­pled with her vin­tage-inspired style (even some ele­ments of Cubism thrown in there!), that ini­tial­ly drew me to her work.

I love illus­tra­tions that offer me some­thing beneath the sur­face. Goisa’s work looks won­der­ful, but it’s also strange and a lit­tle dark, and it leaves a last­ing impres­sion on me.

(H/T my pal Per­rin)

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