
Cubism is Alive and Well in Gosia Herba’s Illustrations

Gosia Herba

For years, I’ve admired the bold, illus­tra­tive works of Gosia Her­ba. They instant­ly appeal to me because of the art his­to­ry influence—specifically, Picas­so and the Cubist move­ment. The bold pieces fea­ture abstract­ed fig­ures and mul­ti­ple view­points, which is used to great effect: it pro­vides us a lot of visu­al infor­ma­tion and offers a full scope of who these char­ac­ters are and the sit­u­a­tions they’re in.

Gosia sells prints of her work in her Etsy shop!

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba

Gosia Herba
