
GIVEAWAY! Win a $75 gift card from Uncommon Goods!

UncommonGoods Giveaway

Uncom­mon­Goods and Brown Paper Bag are team­ing up for a give­away! Who does­n’t love those? Espe­cial­ly when it’s with Uncom­mon­Goods, a site that sells a vari­ety of gifts for men, women and kids. They have unique house­wares, jew­el­ry, and more that you’re sure to love.

Just in time for the hol­i­days, enter to win a $75 gift card from Uncom­mon Goods! There are two ways to enter:

Like” Uncom­mon­Goods on Facebook


Sub­scribe to their email list

Be sure to com­ment on this post to let me know which one you did! Dead­line is Mon­day, Decem­ber 2, 2013. Open to read­ers world­wide. Good luck!

[EDIT]: The give­away is over. Thanks to all who entered!