
Giveaway! The Charming ‘Diary of a Time Traveler’

diary of a time traveler

What if you could trav­el to any era in his­to­ry, where would you go? That’s the premise of Diary of a Time Trav­el­er by David Long and illus­trat­ed by Nicholas Steven­son. The chil­dren’s book revolves around young Augus­tus and Pro­fes­sor Tempo—when the boy falls asleep in his­to­ry class, his teacher decides to teach him a les­son that the past isn’t bor­ing at all. Pro­fes­sor Tem­po then hands Augus­tus a mag­ic diary, where all he needs to do is write a time and place to trav­el there.

I’ve got a copy of this book to give­away! Scroll down to enter. 

diary of a time traveler

diary of a time traveler

Togeth­er, stu­dent and teacher trav­el through­out time and geo­graph­i­cal loca­tions to meet famous inven­tors, lead­ers, writ­ers, painters, ath­letes, and more.  Each dou­ble-page spread cov­ers a dif­fer­ent place and era. Augus­tus writes an intro­duc­tion to explain the sights and sounds, while the Pro­fes­sor pro­vides inter­est­ing captions—facts—about the locale.




Some of the 100+ famed fig­ures include: Mozart; Louis XIV; Shake­speare; Leonar­do Da Vin­ci, and Marie Curie. They cov­er events around the world, with more a focus on West­ern culture.




Let’s get to the illus­tra­tions. They’re eas­i­ly my favorite part of the entire book! I was a fan of Nicholas’ work before Diary of a Time Trav­el­er, and this just con­firms his tal­ent. I love the char­ac­ter design—they’re styl­ized, car­toon­ish, and quirky—and the var­i­ous tex­tures make the images visu­al­ly excit­ing page after page.



Get this book for your­self! Enter to win my giveaway!

To enter, leave a com­ment on this post (make sure I have a way to con­tact you!). If you’re on Insta­gram, dou­ble your chances by fol­low­ing @brwnpaperbag and lik­ing the give­away pho­to.  Open to any­one around the world.

Give­away ends on Tues­day, Decem­ber 8, 2015 at 11:59PM ESTGood luck!