
Giulia Tomai’s Illustrations Use Pencils Real Well

Giulia Tomai

Giu­lia Tomai is an Ital­ian illus­tra­tor who knows how to wield the mighty pen­cil. Her draw­ings, which often depict young women, use soft lines and the flat­tened edge of a graphite or col­ored pen­cil. She does­n’t seem over­ly con­cerned with real­is­tic ren­der­ing and plays with dis­tor­tion and pat­tern. I espe­cial­ly like it when she com­bines col­ored pen­cil and graphite, and it reminds me of famed illus­tra­tor Isabelle Arse­nault. The graphite is acts as a way to build form, while the col­ored pen­cil accents it.

All images via her Tum­blr and blog.

giulia Illustration Giulia Illustration Giulia TomaiGiulia Illustration

Giulia Illustration

Giu­lia also illus­trat­ed the Shake­spear­i­an clas­sic, A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream. Here are a cou­ple of spreads from it:

Giulia Illustration Giulia Tomai