Illustrated products

Bodil Jane’s Illustrations Transform Eco-Friendly Beeswax Wrap into Must-Have Addition to Your Kitchen

Beeswax Wrap by Gaia x Bodil Jane

Illus­tra­tion is every­where, ya’ll, and its place in our mod­ern soci­ety nev­er wanes in impor­tance. One way I see illus­tra­tion being uti­lized is to make eco-friend­ly and reusable items more visu­al­ly appeal­ing and entic­ing to use. (As if help­ing save the plan­et isn’t entic­ing enough!!)

Gaia Store, based in Ger­many, recent­ly col­lab­o­rat­ed with Bod­il Jane (one of my favorite illus­tra­tors) on a line of beeswax tow­els.  If you’re not famil­iar with this type of prod­uct, it’s a great alter­na­tive to plas­tic wrap. You can use them to cov­er cans, glass­es, and cut food. Gaia’s beeswax tow­els are reusable—simply wipe or rinse them with cold water to clean. And thanks to their antibac­te­r­i­al and breath­able prop­er­ties, your food will stay fresh longer.

Bod­il’s illus­tra­tions of trail­blaz­ing women and jun­gle plants adorn the sur­face of the beeswax pack­ag­ing giv­ing them some per­son­al­i­ty while mak­ing them some­thing you’ll want to use reg­u­lar­ly and most impor­tant­ly, a long time. (Remem­ber: eco-friend­ly prod­ucts are only eco-friend­ly if we con­tin­ue to use them and don’t upgrade them once we get tired of the col­or or design.)

Beeswax Wrap by Gaia x Bodil Jane

Beeswax Wrap by Gaia x Bodil Jane

Beeswax Wrap by Gaia x Bodil Jane

Beeswax Wrap by Gaia x Bodil Jane