Lately & Liked

Friday Round Up: Contemporary Quilts I’ve Seen Lately and Liked

I love quilts and find their rich his­to­ry fas­ci­nat­ing. It’s some­thing that’s been passed down count­less gen­er­a­tions and is not only a craft, but a form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and ther­a­py. (Read about the AIDS Memo­r­i­al quilt, for instance.)

Quilts aren’t just some­thing for your grand­moth­er to do. More and more, I see younger folks piec­ing togeth­er their designs, espe­cial­ly with the trend of mini quilts mak­ing a come­back. Let’s take a look at some con­tem­po­rary quilts, shall we? As always, if you have a quilt or know of an awe­some quil­ter, please share with me!

Hap­py Friday!

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