Collage / Craft

Colorful Crochet Uses Collage Techniques to Create Charming Works of Art

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

I’ve nev­er been one for cro­chet (I’ve tried—I’m real­ly bad at it), so the freeform cro­chet of Tui­ja Heikki­nen real­ly cap­ti­vate me. She has a unique take on col­lage, opt­ing to craft many sep­a­rate pieces that are then assem­bled into charm­ing com­po­si­tions. Tui­ja lay­ers the cro­chet to build depth and form and will occa­sion­al­ly stitch on top of a piece to add fine details—such as the nose on some­one’s face.

This isn’t the first time I’ve mar­veled over this cro­chet art. See more of Tui­ja’s work from last year.

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen

Freeform crochet art by Tuija Heikkinen