Illustration Education / Sponsored

Build Your Online Portfolio for Free with Format (Sponsored)

Format Website Online Portfolio Builder

How do you mar­ket your­self as an illus­tra­tor? Whether you’re a sea­soned pro­fes­sion­al or just start­ing out, the answer is prob­a­bly the same—you do it online. But there’s an art to dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, and it starts with your web­site. While many peo­ple (includ­ing myself) like to post their lat­est work on social media, hav­ing a web­site is vital to main­tain­ing your inter­net pres­ence. It’s a one-stop-shop where your poten­tial clients can learn about you.

In my years of look­ing for the lat­est and great­est in illus­tra­tion and embroi­dery, I find it the most help­ful when some­one has a site where I can see both their work and have a way to con­tact them if necessary.

You can be a com­plete cod­ing novice and still have a great-look­ing web­site. It does­n’t have to have a ton of bells and whis­tles on it; in fact, I pre­fer it did­n’t. I don’t want to have to click through a bunch of ani­ma­tions and com­plex menus because it’s not the rea­son I’m vis­it­ing your site in the first place. (I’m there to see your work!) The online port­fo­lio site For­mat knows this, and they’ve made it eas­i­er than ever to have a beau­ti­ful and pro­fes­sion­al web­site with­out all the has­sle (like coding).

Right now, Format is offering a two-week free trial—no credit card required!

Format Website Builder

For­mat fea­tures 16 themes that range in their styles of lay­out. Some tile the images like you’d find on Pin­ter­est, while oth­er themes favor large, full-page images. But regard­less of the lay­out and fea­tures that you choose, the images are what shine. Every­thing is clean with a lot of white space, mak­ing them effort­less and not fussy. Best of all, their respon­sive design ensures that your work looks great on any device. You’ll just need to focus on upload­ing your illus­tra­tions and craft­ing the per­fect bio.

And if you need assis­tance, the 24/7 For­mat Suc­cess Team will help you launch your online pres­ence.  So go ahead—build your web­site on For­mat. Start and today and get a two-week tri­al. There’s no cred­it card required!

Once you’ve got your web­site pol­ished, tell every­one. Put it on busi­ness cards! Your email sig­na­ture. Your Insta­gram pro­file. Keep track of who looks at it (and where) with Google Analytics.

Once you’re done building your website, research who pays illustrators (and how much).

Format Online Portfolio Website Builder

It’s also impor­tant to know how much you should be mak­ing once you get that cov­et­ed gig. By know­ing how much oth­ers charge for a job, you—and others—are help­ing to ensure that fel­low illus­tra­tors aren’t under­charg­ing for their hard work.

For­mat has recent­ly pub­lished a help­ful resource that gives you an idea of how much illus­tra­tors are mak­ing. Who Pays Illus­tra­tors (And How Much) removes the “cloak of secre­cy” around free­lance illus­tra­tion jobs. They asked illus­tra­tors in their com­mu­ni­ty for real-world exam­ples of rates they received for pub­li­ca­tions such as The New Repub­lic, Buz­zFeed, Harp­er Collins, and The New York­er. The short descrip­tions also give you an idea of the read­er­ship and tips for how to sub­mit your work.

This post is sponsored by Format but words and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Brown Paper Bag!