
Impossibly Tiny Vessels Take Basket Weaving to a Miniature Scale

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

As a child, I’d pass by my mom’s col­lec­tion of minia­tures near­ly every day. She affixed a set of print­er’s draw­ers to the wall and filled the small spaces with many minia­tures. I loved look­ing at them and I’m sure it’s why I have such an affin­i­ty for minia­tures as an adult. It’s also no sur­prise why I’m a big fan of Suzie Grieve, aka For­aged Fibres. Suzie cre­ates minia­ture woven bas­kets that are small enough to fit in a dollhouse.

The impos­si­bly tiny ves­sels eas­i­ly fit in the palm of your hand or even on a fin­ger­tip or two. But with­out her hand for scale, you’d nev­er know these minia­ture woven bas­kets. They fea­ture intri­cate knot­ting and uti­lize dif­fer­ent col­ored grass­es to cre­ate visu­al inter­est in small proportions.

There are many things I enjoy about weav­ing but most impor­tant, I think, is the beau­ti­ful and tac­tile way it allows you to con­nect with the sea­sons, the plants and the land,” Suzie writes on her web­site. “To be reliant on and part of nature gives you such a deep respect and desire to care for the envi­ron­ment around you.”

To see what Suzie is work­ing on next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Suzie Grieve, aka Foraged Fibres, creates miniature woven baskets that are small enough to fit in a dollhouse.

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

The impossibly tiny vessels easily fit in the palm of your hand!

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres

Miniature Woven Baskets by Foraged Fibres