
Stitched Paintings Combine the Carefree Fluidity of Washes with Intricate Embroidery

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Artist Fleur Woods calls her work ‘stitched paint­ings’. Com­bin­ing ele­ments of soft water-based paint­ing with the embroi­dery, her works cel­e­brate the nat­ur­al world in del­i­cate, almost ethe­re­al way; they feel as though they could float away with a pass­ing breeze.

Fleur is “most­ly self-taught” and devel­oped her style through exper­i­men­ta­tion and stu­dio time. “Par­tic­u­lar­ly drawn to tex­tiles she loves noth­ing more than drag­ging large swags of linen into the gallery gar­den to pour, brush, splash, and drip abstract lay­ers of washy paint onto its sur­face,” her web­site explains. “Once dry this becomes the base lay­er for fine botan­i­cal details applied in gouache and then intri­cate ele­ments of stitch to bring a final ele­ment of texture.”

Fleur sells her work occa­sion­al­ly through Etsy. You can also fol­low her work in progress on Insta­gram.

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods

Stitched embroidery paintings by Fleur Woods