
Satisfying Tactile Portraits of Impossibly Fuzzy Felted Alpacas

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Alpacas and lla­mas lend them­selves well to felt­ed art. The fuzzi­ness of the inter­locked wool fibers mim­ics the coats of these impos­si­bly fluffy crea­tures (with the most adorable small faces). We’ve seen it before with the nee­dle-felt­ed hoop art of Fuzzy and Flo­ra, and now in the state­ly por­traits of Ernie and Irene. Hol­ly Guertin is the woman behind the tac­tile por­traits that fea­tures the faces of sheeps, alpacas, lambs, and more, all on ready-to-hang felt pieces.

To craft her works, Hol­ly uses two tech­niques in com­bi­na­tion. “Wet felt­ing for the base and nee­dle felt­ing for the raised ele­ment,” she explains. “It is the result of hours of intri­cate work to devel­op a pro­nounced three-dimen­sion­al shape with unique tex­tures and surfaces.”

Hol­ly’s ani­mal por­traits are avail­able in the Ernie and Irene online shop. But if lla­mas aren’t your thing, she also has cac­ti and oth­er abstract wall hangings.

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene

Felted art by Ernie and Irene