Textile Art

Felicia Murray’s Colorful Textile Art Finds Beauty in Decay

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Tex­tile artist Feli­cia Mur­ray cre­ates works that are a feast for the eyes. Employ­ing vibrant col­ors and a vari­ety of tech­niques, her cre­ations have an organ­ic feel as sprawl across the floor.

I med­i­tate with­in each tech­nique used,” Feli­cia writes in her artist state­ment. “I find beau­ty in decay. I am fas­ci­nat­ed by how things sprout, trans­form, breathe, mature, and blos­som. I find tex­tures and pat­terns in pecu­liar places.” Feli­cia says she becomes a “sci­en­tist” with an exact­ing pre­ci­sion that looks at every aspect of what she studies.

I breathe life into ster­ile and for­got­ten objects,” she con­tin­ues, “bring­ing motifs from the out­side envi­ron­ment inside. Over­all, my work rep­re­sents my growth as an artist thus far, and my jour­ney through the nat­ur­al world.”

Feli­cia sells kits and orig­i­nal pieces in her online shop. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Textile artist Felicia Murray creates colorful work that has an organic feel.

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Her pieces employ a variety of techniques including yarn, tufting, needle felting.

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

I find beauty in decay,” she says. “I am fascinated by how things sprout, transform, breathe, mature, and blossom.”

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

In addition to installations, Felicia creates unique rugs.

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray

Textile Art by Felicia Murray