
Feast your ear tongues on these podcasts

I’ve been doing a ton of work on my com­put­er late­ly, and while I dili­gent­ly worked my way through Net­flix’s House of Cards, I’ve also been lis­ten­ing to pod­casts! Pre­vi­ous­ly I lis­tened to just NPR and a cou­ple of com­e­dy pod­casts, but I’ve turned my atten­tion to a cou­ple of illus­tra­tion and design relat­ed pod­casts. Check them out:

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Design Mat­ters with Deb­bie Mill­man: A real­ly inter­est­ing design show that has guests includ­ing graph­ic design­ers, artists, writ­ers, and edu­ca­tors. They talk about their projects, their process, and oth­er design-relat­ed issues. Deb­bie has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk to some big names (a per­son­al favorite: Steven Heller) in a casu­al way.

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Your Dreams My Night­mares: This is an audio side project by illus­tra­tor Sam Weber. He inter­views illus­tra­tors, design­ers, and art direc­tors in anoth­er casu­al con­ver­sa­tion about dif­fer­ent aspects of illus­tra­tion, the indus­try, and image-making.

I per­son­al­ly like back and forth ban­ter in a less for­mal set­ting, which I think is a strength of these pod­casts. They are insight­ful and fun­ny, too!