
Exquisite Embroideries Capture the Tiny Details That Make Interior Spaces So Magical

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Inte­ri­or embroi­deries are pop­u­lar but they can be tricky. Cre­at­ing a com­pelling scene and neat­ly stitch­ing it—so it does­n’t appear wonky—is a chal­lenge. Fat­ma Kara­ca has found her call­ing, how­ev­er, as she has stitched many spaces that are strik­ing in their lev­el of detail and tech­nique. From depict­ing wick­er chairs to recre­at­ing Star­ry Night, each piece uti­lizes daz­zling textures.

Fol­low Fat­ma on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca

Interior embroidery by Fatma Karaca