Embroidery Patterns

Travel the World When You Stitch These City-Inspired Embroidery Patterns

Paris Embroidery Pattern

Paris, France
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Trav­el is out of the ques­tion right now (for many of us, at least), but Kseni­ia Guse­va of FaimyxStitch is help­ing us explore new places with her hand embroi­dery pat­terns. Her designs fea­ture all sorts of cities around the globe from Paris to Athens to Krakow to Kyoto. Each includes archi­tec­ture and land­marks that are out­lined in black thread to con­vey details like win­dows, bridges, and oth­er fea­tures found in metropolises.

Kseni­ia sells her PDF pat­terns on Etsy.

Travel the world with these architectural embroideries by FaimyxStitch.

Contemporary Embroidery Pattern

Kyoto, Japan

London Embroidery Pattern

Lon­don, England

Contemporary Hand Embroidery

Milan, Italy

New York City Embroidery Pattern


Edinburgh Embroidery Pattern

Edin­burgh, Scotland

Architecture Embroidery Pattern

Helsin­ki, Finland

Hand Embroidery Pattern

Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, USA

Hand Embroidery Pattern

Seat­tle, WAUSA

Architecture Embroidery Pattern

Zurich, Switzer­land