
Dingding Hu’s Illustrations are Everyday Life… Enhanced

dingding hu

I went to grad school with the (now) New York-based illus­tra­tor Dingding Hu, and it’s been a plea­sure see­ing her work devel­op since we’ve grad­u­at­ed. I love these col­or­ful, bizarre, and ener­getic illus­tra­tions that she’s made. They’re busy scenes with a lot of details, so make sure that you look at what’s hap­pen­ing in both the fore­ground and back­ground — it’s all very entertaining!

Dingding writes that “she loves to make fun and juicy images, to express her curios­i­ty about the quirk­i­ness of every­day life.” I’d say it’s every­day life+ . She enhances the ordi­nary with sur­re­al and dream­like elements.

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