Ceramics / Illustrated products

Need a Handy (and Hands Free) Way to Hold Your Pins and Needles? Let These Ladies Help

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

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I recent­ly bought a nee­dle min­der to use while I stitch my Cat Col­lars, and it’s been prac­ti­cal­ly rev­e­la­to­ry for me. No longer do I need to stick it into the arm of my couch as I search for more thread. While you are prob­a­bly shak­ing your head at that, I present to you anoth­er one of those super handy items for when you’re stitch­ing. Erin Pais­ley has cre­at­ed a series of ceram­ic lady pin­cush­ion neck­laces that allow you to keep your pre­cious pins and nee­dles eas­i­ly acces­si­ble as you work. My favorites are fash­ioned after kit­ties, of course.

The pieces are adorned in dif­fer­ent fur pat­terns and flo­rals but each has the same large, sweet eyes. They are built from white earth­en­ware clay that’s paint­ed, glazed, and then fired. “This del­i­cate process,” Erin explains, “takes two weeks from start to fin­ish. Each Lady is always and com­plete­ly a one of a kind col­lectible art piece.” The pin­cush­ion bun is also one-of-a-kind; it’s sewn from hand-dyed wool and stuffed with wool rov­ing. That way, your nee­dles will stay secure with­out get­ting rusty.

These charm­ing pin­cush­ions are now avail­able in Erin’s Etsy shop.

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley

Pincushion necklaces by Erin Paisley