
Energetic Scribbles (and Carefully-Drawn Lines) by Felicita Sala

felicita sala

Ital­ian illus­tra­tor Felici­ta Sala cre­ates delight­ful works that incor­po­rate ele­ments of paint­ing, draw­ing, and cut paper. She’s not mar­ried to any one tech­nique and com­bines pho­tog­ra­phy with ener­getic scribbles.

I decid­ed to dis­cov­er the world of art and illus­tra­tion out­side of for­mal insti­tu­tions, tak­ing inspi­ra­tion from from con­tem­po­rary art, phi­los­o­phy, music, chil­dren, archi­tec­ture and peo­ple on the street,” Felici­ta writes on her blog. She’s got a very active sketch­book (and reg­u­lar­ly posts snip­pets of it on her there), which I would imag­ine has helped her in her approach.

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