
Meticulously Crafted Fabric Moths and Butterflies Celebrate the Real Creatures in the Natural World

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Artist Emi­ly Yead­on of Home­made Trap com­bines tex­tiles with nat­ur­al his­to­ry. She has cre­at­ed an exten­sive  “faux ento­mol­o­gy col­lec­tion” that fea­tures moths and but­ter­flies that are often perched on fab­ric mush­rooms. The col­or­ful threads and fuzzy fur reflect con­cepts seen in tra­di­tion­al taxi­dermy with a veg­an-friend­ly twist. “I want­ed to cre­ate a series of work which would be col­lect­ed by true admir­ers,” she writes, “trea­sured for years to come and entice onlook­ers to real­ly appre­ci­ate our beau­ti­ful pollinators.”

Emi­ly cre­ates every­thing by hand and does­n’t use tem­plates in her work. Each of her pieces, includ­ing painstak­ing their details, take many hours to com­plete. See what’s avail­able in her online shop and fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Emily Yeadon of Homemade Trap creates faux taxidermy that celebrates moths, butterflies, and fungi.

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moths by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Fabric moth by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon

Faux Mushroom by Emily Yeadon