
Carry Your Furry Friend With You Forever as a Custom-Crafted Pet Figurine

Custom Pet Figurines

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Have you ever wished you could have a minia­ture ver­sion of your fur­ry friend with you, for­ev­er? Emi­ly Rose Thom­son (aka Peri­win­kle Nuthatch) cre­ates cus­tom pet fig­urines that are mod­eled after your beloved cat or dog (or any type of pet you wish) and adorned with geo­met­ric designs. The sculp­tures are between two and four inch­es tall and sculpt­ed using poly­mer clay and paint­ed with acrylics. The work is sealed with a high gloss water­proof seal­er to ensure it stands the test of time.

Get your pet fig­urine by vis­it­ing Emi­ly’s Etsy shop.

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines

Custom Pet Figurines