Illustrated products

Emily McDowell + Lisa Congdon Collaborated on a Product Collection You’ll Want Right Now

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

All images cour­tesy Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends unless oth­er­wise stated.

Illus­tra­tor and writer Emi­ly McDow­ell is grow­ing her cre­ative busi­ness and bring­ing friends along with her.

Chances are that if you’re into great greet­ing cards, you’ve heard of Emi­ly. For many years, she has delight­ed peo­ple with her cheeky and heart­felt sen­ti­ments that con­front life’s dif­fi­cult moments with com­pas­sion, humor, and above all, real­ness. She has the gift of find­ing the right words and mak­ing them feel so relat­able that you wish you would’ve said them yourself.

After five years of being the CEO and illus­tra­tor of her busi­ness, Emi­ly was on the cusp of reach­ing a mas­sive burnout. Look­ing to sim­pli­fy her business—particularly in the whole­sale market—she helped form the Who’s There Group in Jan­u­ary 2018. Togeth­er with Knock Knock and Peo­ple Places & Things, Emi­ly’s stu­dio was rebrand­ed as Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends.

Knock Knock is expe­ri­enced in licens­ing and whole­sale, and their infra­struc­ture means that Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends can col­lab­o­rate with tal­ent­ed creatives—something that Emi­ly has always want­ed to do—and pro­vide a plat­form for cre­at­ing prod­ucts. “The hard­est part is get­ting stuff made,” she tells me.

March 19 is the launch of Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends first col­lec­tion! Lisa Con­g­don is the inau­gur­al illus­tra­tor to col­lab­o­rate on 27 pieces fea­tur­ing tote bags, note­books, mugs, and of course, cards. Bring­ing Lisa on was fit­ting. “Lisa is my actu­al friend,” Emi­ly says. (Not all future col­lab­o­ra­tions are with her friends.)

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emi­ly McDow­ell (left) and Lisa Con­g­don (right). Pho­to: Clay Walsh.

As Lisa tells me, their meet­ing was serendip­i­ty. The two met at a pop-up shop at Rare Device in San Fran­si­co. In speak­ing, they turned out to have a lot in com­mon; they are both self-taught illus­tra­tors who entered the field as their sec­ond career. Emi­ly and Lisa kept up a friend­ship for years, and when Emi­ly’s busi­ness was ready to expand, her pal was at the top of her col­lab­o­ra­tor list. As they’ve both grown their artis­tic voic­es, the two have anoth­er thing in com­mon: they both val­ue their plat­form as cre­atives and through it, speak out against injus­tice in the world.

In her new role at Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends, Emi­ly is “basi­cal­ly a cre­ative direc­tor,” although she thinks of her­self as a cura­tor more than any­thing else. Her lev­el of involve­ment depends on the illus­tra­tor. For those with less expe­ri­ence, she’s hap­py to have a heav­ier hand in the process. But for Lisa, who has an exten­sive port­fo­lio and back­ground in licens­ing her work, Emi­ly fits into more of the cura­to­r­i­al role.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion expe­ri­ence was a breeze for Lisa and Emi­ly. “It was great,” Lisa recalls. “Most of the time when you col­lab­o­rate it’s for a client and you don’t know them.” The two combed through Lisa’s port­fo­lio of per­son­al work—particularly pieces that pair images and text—for this col­lec­tion. Some items, such as the greet­ing cards, were cre­at­ed new for Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends.

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Pho­to: Chris Dibble.

Lisa is known for shar­ing empow­er­ing hand let­tered phras­es on Insta­gram. If you fol­low her there, you’ll prob­a­bly rec­og­nize some of the illus­tra­tions. The mean­ings of them make sense with the func­tion of the object. “Ok let’s do this,” adorns a cof­fee mug—a fit­ting expres­sion for tack­ling the morn­ing. The tote bags, which are like walk­ing bill­boards, high­light Lisa’s pas­sion for social jus­tice. I car­ry around the bag that exclaims, “Women of the world: this is just the begin­ning.” I receive a “hell yeah!” every time I’m seen with it.

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

A lot of my work is cen­tered around hope­ful­ness,” Lisa explains. “Peo­ple can feel hope­less­ness about their lives.” She wants folks to use these pieces and soak in the phras­es and ulti­mate­ly, to feel opti­mistic about their future. This includes Lisa, too. After all, many of these illus­tra­tions were intend­ed as only per­son­al work before they were in the col­lec­tion. “Most of the mes­sages are things I need to hear myself.”

Pic­tured here is just some of the col­lec­tion’s offer­ings. Shop all of Lisa’s work through the Emi­ly McDow­ell & Friends web­site.

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emily McDowell & Friends creative collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emily McDowell & Friends creative collaboration with Lisa Congdon

Emily McDowell & Friends creative product collaboration with Lisa Congdon