Painting and flowers, separately, are two wonderful things. But, better yet, Emily Isabella combines both of ’em with her Plant People. She paints their faces and wardrobes and uses a myriad of flowers for their hairstyles. We see small, delicate pods as well as larger, broad petals that signify longer locks. I love how the blooms are arranged just so, and it allows her to mimic the shape of hair well.
Each image is accompanied with a curious sentence describing the person. I’ve included them, too!
Peony makes friends easily.
The temperature is starting to drop but White Wood Aster doesn’t seem to mind.
Chrysanthemum had a moment of indecision at the hair salon.
Sunflower isn’t always sunny.
Cucumber Blossom always adds a touch of beauty to each dish she prepares.
Gooseneck Loosestrife understands the power of a name.
Hosta’s Japanese name is Giboshi.
A- tisket, a‑tasket, Petunia prefers a hanging basket.
Blazing Star has a wild side.
Daylily knows that night is inevitable.
I think Sweet Pea was lost when I found her on the roadside.