Embroidery / NL Embroidery

7 YouTube Channels That Show How to Do Embroidery Stitches, From Basic to Advanced

Learn embroidery on YouTube

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This arti­cle is part of a series on how to take your embroi­dery to new heights

Have you ever seen an embroi­dery stitch and thought it looked real­ly cool, only hav­ing no idea how it was cre­at­ed? (This has hap­pened to me plen­ty of times.) Instead of not­ing how neat the stitch looks and mov­ing on, just head to YouTube and learn it on your own!

It’s always good to have a lot of stitch­es in your repertoire—even if you don’t use them in a project now, you can prac­tice them (might I sug­gest as part of 1 Year of Stitch­es?) and save them for later.

Find­ing the best YouTube chan­nels to learn embroi­dery stitch­es can mean a lot of search­ing. But not any­more! Here are five of my favorites. Some include audio com­men­tary while oth­ers are sim­ply demon­strat­ing the tech­niques (sans speaking).

Learn all the embroidery stitches you need to know by watching YouTube! Scroll down for my favorite channels.

Mary Corbet’s Needle N’ Thread

Mary Cor­bet’s YouTube chan­nel is my go-to for learn­ing new embroi­dery stitch­es. She demon­strates a lot of them—including some real­ly com­pli­cat­ed ones! I find her expla­na­tions thor­ough and easy to fol­low, and I espe­cial­ly like that each video is a sin­gle tech­nique. They’re short (typ­i­cal­ly under four min­utes) and per­fect for when you know exact­ly what you want to learn.


Jessica Long Embroidery

Jes­si­ca Long is anoth­er embroi­dery artist I fre­quent on YouTube. Like Mary Cor­bet, she also has one-tech­nique videos that show you how to make basic stitch­es. They include a com­bi­na­tion of on-screen text and her spo­ken expla­na­tion. While those types of videos are short, she also has longer ones that are help­ful for begin­ner embroi­der­ers as well as those look­ing for more advanced tech­niques like stump­work. Not only do they show you stitch­es, but they intro­duce embroi­dery mate­ri­als and how to trans­fer designs onto fab­ric.


Cutesy Crafts

If you are brand new to embroi­dery, com­plet­ing a stitch sam­pler can be a help­ful exer­cise. It’ll acquaint you with a vari­ety of stitch­es and then act as a ref­er­ence point for more stitch­ing lat­er on. Jes­si­ca of Cutesy Crafts has two free embroi­dery sam­plers you can down­load and then stitch along with her on her YouTube channel.


The Stitchery

Char­lie of The Stitch­ery cre­ates videos that fea­ture how-to on basic and more advanced stitch­es. Some of my favorite videos uti­lize abstract pat­terns as a way to prac­tice those stitch­es and go beyond your typ­i­cal sam­pler. But if there are times you need less instruc­tion and more sooth­ing vibes, check out her silent stitch­ing videos where there’s no talking—just calm­ing music and embroidery.


Baroudi Broderie

Barou­di Broderie stitch­es with col­or­ful threads (like neons) that make their videos a delight to watch. They don’t include audio com­men­tary (although some videos have writ­ten instruc­tions) and are a sooth­ing watch. Dive into their library and you’ll see a vari­ety of embroi­dery tech­niques from begin­ner to advanced.



Hand­i­Works is a mega-pop­u­lar YouTube chan­nel that is sim­i­lar to Barou­di Broderie. There is no audio expla­na­tion of the stitch­ing, but there is a close look at all of the steps and calm­ing music to accom­pa­ny it. Anoth­er rea­son I like this chan­nel: I enjoy see­ing the tech­niques put to prac­ti­cal use—such as a flo­ral design made of bul­lion stitches.


River Birch Threads

Olivia Skel­horne of Riv­er Birch Threads has cre­at­ed a pop­u­lar YouTube chan­nel that revolves around the offer­ings in her Etsy shop. She has one video on basic embroi­dery stitch­es, but the rest of her videos will show you how to com­plete pat­terns and adorn the likes of hats and clothing.