Embroidery / Embroidery Patterns / Gift Guide

44 Downloadable Embroidery Patterns to Gift to Your Favorite Ladies on Galentine’s Day

Embroidery pattern to celebrate Galentine's Day

Emi­ly June Hand­made
This post con­tains some affil­i­ate links. If you make a pur­chase, Brown Paper Bag may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion. Learn more here.

Do you cel­e­brate Galen­tine’s Day? Ya know, when you and your female friends “kick it, break­fast-style”? If you’re look­ing for Galen­tine’s Day gifts, spark your favorite ladies’ cre­ativ­i­ty with mod­ern embroi­dery pat­terns. I’ve found over 30 con­tem­po­rary hoop art designs that you can down­load now—perfect for a fun, last-minute gift if you need one! Once you receive the files for stitch­ing, for­ward them with a love­ly mes­sage to your friend.

Many of these pat­terns include stitch instruc­tions. But if you learn bet­ter from watch­ing a video, check out my favorite YouTube chan­nels for learn­ing new embroi­dery stitch­es. And, make sure your craft stash is equipped with my favorite sup­plies.

But remem­ber, it’s always in style to treat your­self, so if you’re look­ing for a fun chal­lenge, check these mak­ers out.

Celebrate your favorite ladies on Galentine’s Day with these downloadable embroidery patterns.

This article has been updated.