Embroidery / The Stitch

You’ll Want a Seat At These Tables: Illustrative Embroidered Tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

I featured Sarah in a recent issue of my embroidery newsletter, The Stitch. Get textile artists and embroidery pattern recommendations when you subscribe. (You’ll receive a free downloadable embroidery pattern when you do!)

Per­haps set­ting the table isn’t your thing (it cer­tain­ly isn’t mine), but I’d make an excep­tion for these embroi­dered table­cloths by Sarah Espeute. Inspired by trompe‑l’oeil, she stitch­es linework-style illus­tra­tions of plates, sil­ver­ware, and hands atop the fabric.

Every­day famil­iar cher­ished sto­ries and mem­o­ries emanate from this imagery, inhab­it­ing Sarah’s pieces with a time­less feel­ing,” her artist state­ment reads. “It is in this spir­it of remem­brance that Sarah care­ful­ly selects old linen and cot­ton fab­rics to design authen­tic pieces, then mod­ern­ized by a min­i­mal­ist embroi­dery. She sub­tly mag­ni­fies the table­cloth, turn­ing it into a sen­si­tive and del­i­cate piece recall­ing uni­ver­sal feel­ings, while main­tain­ing its usu­al and prac­ti­cal function.”

Sarah sells her embroi­dered table­cloths through her web­site. Be sure to fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s cre­at­ing next.

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute

Embroidered tablecloths by Sarah Espeute