Embroidered Life / Embroidery

My Book, ‘Embroidered Life: The Art of Sarah K. Benning’ is Out Today!

Embroidered Life book about the art of Sarah K. Benning

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I’m so excit­ed to announce that my book Embroi­dered Life: The Art of Sarah K. Ben­ning is out today! It’s been a long time com­ing and I can hard­ly believe it’s here. Whether you’re an embroi­der­er or an inde­pen­dent mak­er try­ing to grow your busi­ness, you’ll find some­thing in this book that speaks to you.

About the book:

This is not your grandma’s embroi­dery book. Fea­tur­ing a die-cut case with actu­al stitch­ing on the front cov­er, Embroi­dered Life shows that illus­tra­tions cre­at­ed with nee­dle and thread can be strik­ing­ly con­tem­po­rary. From beau­ti­ful botan­i­cals to bold affir­ma­tions, the work of self-taught fiber artist Sarah K. Ben­ning gives any embroi­dery enthu­si­ast, art lover, or plant fanat­ic a new appre­ci­a­tion for the craft of needle­work. In this eye-catch­ing art book, pop­u­lar blog­ger Sara Barnes guides read­ers through Benning’s inno­v­a­tive embroi­dery process and suc­cess­ful busi­ness mod­el, offer­ing behind-the-scenes insights to inspire mak­ers and cre­ative entrepreneurs.

Want your copy? Get them from any one of these retailers:

Embroidered Life book about the art of Sarah K. Benning