
Sculptural Embroidery Stitches Construct Beloved Family Homes

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

If you’ve ever picked up an embroi­dery book, you know that there are a ton stitch pos­si­bil­i­ties. From util­i­tar­i­an to com­plex stitch­es meant to daz­zle, they togeth­er cre­ate visu­al­ly stun­ning pieces. There­sa Law­son of The Mon­sters Lounge com­bines the likes of woven stitch­es, French knots, applique, and more to con­struct embroi­dered hous­es that peo­ple cher­ish. The like­ness­es are extreme­ly tac­tile, which is by far my favorite part of There­sa’s work. In dis­play­ing all of these dif­fer­ent tech­niques, she’s show­ing that hoop art can be sculptural—and in these fam­i­ly homes, it feels most appropriate.

Because her work is so detailed, There­sa takes com­mis­sions for homes twice a year via her newslet­ter. She also sells oth­er mis­cel­la­neous work through Etsy. And if you’re a renter like me, you can fol­low along with her embroi­dery via Insta­gram.

Theresa Lawson of The Monsters Lounge combines a variety of stitches to construct embroidered houses.

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge

Embroidered houses by The Monster's Lounge