
Impeccably Dressed People and Their Stylish Spaces Are Illustrations You’ll Want to Live In

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illus­tra­tor Elly Rodgers cre­ates spaces that I want to be in. Her styl­ish sub­jects exist in these elab­o­rate worlds that are rich in detail; from pat­terned wall­pa­per to tuft­ed seat­ing, every ele­ment of her illus­tra­tions is thought­ful­ly con­sid­ered and gives us a clue into who they are.

In her illus­tra­tive work, Elly explores con­sumerism and the rela­tion­al aes­thet­ics of pla­ton­ic and roman­tic love,” her web­site states. “She finds humans infi­nite­ly fas­ci­nat­ing, with their myr­i­ad of intri­ca­cies, thoughts, flaws, and quirks. she cre­ates worlds full of beau­ty and goods, bright col­ors and opti­mism, and indi­vid­u­als who cel­e­brate human­i­ty in all forms.”

Elly sells her work as prints in her online shop. To see what she’s work­ing on next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers

Illustration by Elly Rodgers