
8‑Bit Gifs by Dusan Cezek Capture Iconic Movie Moments

dusan cezek

A Life Aquatic

Fact: My twin broth­er is cur­rent­ly purs­ing his PhD and study­ing film. In prepa­ra­tion for an exam he had to take in his 2nd year, he watched 72 films. 72! And while he has watched many, many films, I am the oppo­site. I’ve seen very few movies, and maybe half of those fea­tured in artist Dusan Cezek’s ani­mat­ed series, Pix­el­woodEven if this is the case, I’m still delight­ed by these 8‑Bit Gifs, which is a tes­ta­ment to Cezek’s ani­mat­ing prowess.  Each image cap­tures famous moments from the par­tic­u­lar film in the flat, pix­e­lat­ed style and makes me eager to find them in their com­pan­ions. (Via design­boom)

dusan cezek


dusan cezek

Dis­trict 9

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fic­tion

Nacho Libre

Nacho Libre

Total Recall

Total Recall

Fight Club

Fight Club

Fifth Element

Fifth Ele­ment

