Illustrated products

Dinara Mirtalipova’s Folk-Inspired Painted Eggs are Out of an Easter Dream

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

I know, I know—I missed the boat on shar­ing Dinara Mir­tal­ipo­va’s paint­ed eggs clos­er to the East­er hol­i­day. But, that does­n’t change the fact that every year, Dinara cre­ates cus­tom porce­lain East­er Eggs that have her ele­gant folk-inspired art­work on them. This year was no egg-cep­tion (see what I did there?). Packed with beau­ti­ful details, it’s no won­der that so quick­ly they sell out.

Fol­low Dinara on Insta­gram and mark your cal­en­dar for next East­er when her eggs go on sale.

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova

Painted Easter eggs by Dinara Mirtalipova