
Ethereal Paintings Combine Color and Emotion for a Dreamlike Feel

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illus­tra­tor Diana Cojo­caru first caught my atten­tion with her col­lec­tion enti­tled Human Wings. Using water-based media, she lets the vibrant hues have a mind of their own as they bleed into one anoth­er and cre­ate a dream­like feel. Hands are a the­mat­ic occur­rence in her work, and about the series, she explains it with one sin­gle quote by Sanober Khan: “Your hand touch­ing mine—this is how galax­ies collide.”

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru


In her Beyond project, Diana was inspired by a passion for flowers, hidden messages, and again—hands!

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Diana’s current project started as a challenge to herself. 

I’ve always con­sid­ered that I’m not able to draw por­traits, with every­thing I’ve cre­at­ed so far revolv­ing around abstract con­cepts,” she tells me an in an email. “Even though my style is a clum­sy one, I want to bring my illus­tra­tions into the fash­ion area and to com­mu­ni­cate through the clum­si­ness itself that every woman has a beau­ty which is often hid­den behind pecu­liar fea­tures, far from the stereotypes.”

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Illustration by Diana Cojocaru

Diana Cojocaru illustrations