
Ceramic Animal Planters are Sweet Companions to Your Favorite Flora

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

I have a well-doc­u­ment­ed love of face planters on Brown Paper Bag. My years-long admi­ra­tion is because of the play­ful nature they inher­ent­ly con­tain. These delight­ful objects dress up your plants while cre­at­ing wild, ever-chang­ing hair­styles for the stoneware characters.

Design For­est is inspired by animals—bunnies, cats, ele­phants, and more— and pares them down to essen­tial, sim­ple shapes that are min­i­mal in dec­o­ra­tion yet con­vey sweet per­son­al­i­ties. Just look at their smiles!

Design For­est sells their entire pas­tel-col­ored col­lec­tion through their online shop.

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics

Design Forest ceramics