
Ambitious Illustrator Creates a 108-Piece Cut Paper Quilt in 3 Months

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

In April of 2018, illus­tra­tor Dawn M. Car­dona embarked on the ambi­tious endeav­or known as the 100 Day Project. For over three months, she pledged to cre­ate a dif­fer­ent paper square each day and com­plet­ed it on July 22, 2018. She end­ed up going longer than the 100 days, in fact, and craft­ed 108 small illus­tra­tions out of col­lage. Using sol­id-col­or card­stock, the squares fea­ture a vari­ety of charm­ing char­ac­ters (includ­ing anthro­po­mor­phized archi­tec­ture), styl­ized flow­ers, and fash­ion­able animals.

Dawn laid out her con­cept on the first day of the project. “Each square will be cre­at­ed to stand alone,” she wrote, “but also to be able to flow into the next piece.” By the end, she assem­bled them all into a long paper quilt.

If you’d like to own one (or more) of these pieces, fol­low her on Insta­gram; she lists some of them in her Insta­gram sto­ries every Mon­day at 9 a.m. It’s a great way to own orig­i­nal art. You can also buy her work on Society6.

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

Here’s the project in its entirety:

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona

100 Day Project of cut paper collage by Dawn M. Cardona