
Guest Post: Daniel Fishel Introduces Us to Dasha Tolstikova

Since I’m on vaca­tion this week, I have a cou­ple of guest blog­gers fill­ing in for me! Today the won­der­ful Daniel Fishel is shar­ing the work of Dasha Tol­stiko­va with us. Daniel is an illus­tra­tor and hand let­ter­er who paints things for mag­a­zines, book cov­ers and oth­er things. He has a cat named Avo­ca­do who answers work emails for him sometimes.

So, with­out fur­ther ado, here’s Daniel!

 Dasha Tolstikova

Dasha Tol­stiko­va is an illus­tra­tor based out of Brook­lyn, NY. After receiv­ing her MFA from School of Visu­al Arts, she has been keep­ing things steady by work­ing with folks such as the NY Times, Wall Street Jour­nal, and the New York­er. She’s been pret­ty pre­oc­cu­pied late­ly with cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful Chil­dren’s books. She also has a reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed blog called “A Fox­es Diary” where she illus­trates the thoughts and feel­ings of a fox­es day to day life. I can also per­son­al­ly say that not only is Dasha’s work inspir­ing but she is also one of the kind­est peo­ple I know.

 Dasha Tolstikova

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Thanks, Daniel!