
Handcrafted Pottery Illustrates Circular Stories Inspired by Our Inner Lives

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

There are many ways to tell a story—ways that don’t involve pen and paper. Illus­tra­tor Daphne Christo­forou fol­lows an ancient tra­di­tion of adorn­ing hand­craft­ed pot­tery with nar­ra­tive imagery. Her tall, bul­bous vas­es and planter bowls show­case cir­cu­lar tales of dreams and self-reflec­tion, includ­ing the ever-pop­u­lar thought of, “How did I get here?”

[Daphne] is fas­ci­nat­ed by ancient ori­en­tal art­work such as Hin­du imagery, Tibetan iconog­ra­phy, and Indi­an Minia­ture paint­ing,” her web­site says. “Daphne is drawn to the visu­al rich­ness, naiveté and his­tor­i­cal con­text of this imagery, but most impor­tant­ly to its depth of mean­ing and link with east­ern phi­los­o­phy and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty.” With her exquis­ite linework and con­tem­po­rary fig­ures, she cre­ates a wel­come twist on convention.

Daphne sells her work—including weav­ings, silk scarves, and greet­ing cards—on Etsy. You can also find her on Insta­gram.

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou

Handcrafted pottery by Daphne Christoforou