
Beautiful, Multilayered Fantasies by Danse de Lune

Danse de Lune

Get lost in the mag­ic of Danse de Lune (for­mer­ly Art and Ghosts). She’s a UK-based illus­tra­tor who has a pen­chant for col­or­ful folk­lore and dark, drea­ry skies. I love the mul­ti­lay­ered, fan­tas­ti­cal feel that these pieces have. They’re soft with a lot of visu­al oomph — just look at all of the tiny, intri­cate details! Danse gives us some insight to her work, writing:

The larg­er part of my work is con­cerned with the pro­tec­tion and wel­fare of nature, chil­dren, and non-human (occa­sion­al­ly mag­i­cal) crea­tures: per­haps as a result of my ear­li­est expe­ri­ences and a sense of close iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the hid­den, noc­tur­nal things which speak an unknown lan­guage. Ani­mals con­cern me espe­cial­ly, whether mag­i­cal or quite ordinary.

Dreams and the uncon­scious (Jun­gian) also play a pre­dom­i­nant role in my work, along­side sym­bol­ism, mys­ti­cism, folk­lore, mythol­o­gy and fairytales.

Check out Danse’s Etsy shop for prints.

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