
Don’t Mess With the Strong Women in Daiana Ruiz’s Stylish Digital Illustrations

Digital illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Illus­tra­tor Daiana Ruiz cre­ates strik­ing por­traits of diverse women that show­case strength, grace, and beauty—basically what it means to live your best life. Dis­sat­is­fied with the lack of rep­re­sen­ta­tion of real women in the media, Daiana has dig­i­tal­ly drawn the world she wants to see. Her fig­ures often gaze back at us, their con­fi­dence unwavering.

Based in Buenos Aires, Daiana is inspired by the bustling metrop­o­lis. “The lights at night, the music—I like to rep­re­sent women liv­ing these scenes,” she explains. Their cloth­ing, min­i­mal and styl­ish, is anoth­er draw of Daiana’s work, and she sees this as anoth­er way to define her char­ac­ters. “I think fash­ion is an art that allows us to design our­selves and express what hap­pens in a spe­cif­ic time of our life.”

Daiana sells prints of her work through her web­site. See what she’s cre­at­ing next when you fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Digital illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Digital illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Digital illustration by Daiana Ruiz

Fashion illustration by Daiana Ruiz