Embroidery / Embroidery Patterns

Have a Pet That Needs Celebrating? Get Them Stitched on Your Favorite Shirt!

Custom pet portrait embroidery

It’s been a while, but I am final­ly open­ing slots for my cus­tom com­mis­sioned ani­mal por­traits again. What are those? Well, they are your favorite fur­ry friend, rep­tile, or even wild crea­ture that is stitched on the col­lars of a shirt. You’ll send me a gar­ment that you want to be embroi­dered as well as the ani­mal (or ani­mal’s) picture(s) and I’ll cre­ate a sketch based on that. Once it gets your approval, I start stitch­ing and send you the shirt once it’s done.

Get a custom-stitched shirt by visiting my Etsy shop. Spots are limited!


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And, I’m pleased to announce a new offer­ing: per­son­al­ized pat­terns! If you know how to stitch (or want to give it a try), I’ll design you a pat­tern based on your favorite crea­tures. Like the cus­tom shirts, we’ll work togeth­er to ensure the sketch looks right. Then, I’ll con­vert the sketch into an out­line pat­tern. You’ll receive that, plus a col­or guide of the exact DMC threads to use as well as a stitch guide.

The pat­tern will need to be on a spe­cial Stick and Stitch sta­bi­liz­er. For deliv­ery options, I can either send you a dig­i­tal file via email (that you’ll then print your­self), or I can mail you the patterns.

Get a personalized pattern from me when you visit my Etsy shop.

If you’ve com­mis­sioned a col­lar from me in the past, thank you! I’ve had so much fun stitch­ing this past year. Be sure to fol­low me on Insta­gram to see what I’m work­ing on next.

Embroidered bunnies on a shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt

Custom cat embroidery on a shirt

Custom cat embroidery on a shirt

Custom cat embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt

Gecko embroidery on a shirt

Custom cat embroidery on a shirt

Hand embroidery on shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait hand embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait hand embroidery on a shirt

Custom pet portrait embroidery on a shirt