Illustrated products

7 of the Best Creative Products to Illustrate Your Life This Week

Creative products to own

1. Ceram­ic black cat planter by Bar­run­tan­do (per­fect for Halloween!)
2. Evil Pump­kin can­dle by Zoet Studio
3. One Day at a Time ban­dana by apprvl
4. Tiger salt and pep­per shak­ers by Han­nah Turner
5. Rain­bow crys­tal mug by Essarai Ceramics
6. Skele­ton “Jack­ie” pin by Lostlust Sup­ply x Tiny­cup Needleworks
7. Octo­ber Desert embroi­dery pat­tern by Sarah K. Ben­ning (instant download)

Black cat ceramicCrystal ceramic mug

Scented "evil pumpkin" candle

"One Day at a Time" bandana

Contemporary hand embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning

Skeleton enamel pin

Tiger salt and pepper shakers